been several years since Cliff Bleszinski leave Epic Games studio in which he worked as game designer of the franchise Gears of War, to found Boss Key Productions . Little seems to be enigmatic about artworks where we saw people but there is much that has been discussing, show after show, the Bleszinski himself. Lawbreakers drinks, and much, FPS competitive cutting as Counter Strike, Team Fortress 2, or work without leaving the own creator, Unreal Tournament. And yes, there’s also plenty of Overwatch.

I saw could be described thus a Overwatch realistic aesthetic (a good job in Unreal Engine 4 is perceived) that borrows other mechanics of the shooter and commented: there we have that leap propelled by firing a missile so characteristic of Team Fortress 2. The trailer shows us a little any of the classes that will The game : from fast Kitsune to the gigantic gross Kronos through more conventional soldiers as Maverick or Breacher


We see nothing new or that has not been proposed before but would like to stay with a word of Bleszinski at E3, talking about their goal with this lawbreakers, “do not want to make a FPS more, we find that perfect spot to allow any take the controls and enjoy but that requires hours of development “. And yes, its direct reference, admitted without shame, is a Counter Strike:. Global Offensive is increasingly upward

lawbreakers come at a date to be determined next 2016 and will operate as free2play ; It is not hard to imagine a business model in which, by weekly rotation, can acquire the different characters that will be launched. One possible key to its success or failure will be measured to know the times and get to market before the proposal Blizzard. Only time will tell.
