Friday, August 21, 2015

VENEZUELA 10 follies that keep making computer security – EntornoInteligente

VENEZUELA: 10 follies that keep making computer security / Opinion and News / View Comments

Caracas, August 20, 2015 Panda Security alerts you: 10 follies that keep making computer security you read and reread lists tips to surf safely, buy online, so your most intimate photos do not end up on the Web, so that cybercriminals do not ruin your holiday or enjoy the game without compromising your privacy … I have repeated certain basic precautions by active and passive, but keep ignoring almost all. Unfortunately, an oversight essentially can have very unpleasant consequences. So we met the basic security measures you should remember in one list. 1. OPENING ANY ATTACHMENT YOU GET TO MAIL If you receive an email from a stranger, do not open or if you open it, never you download attachments. The seemingly innocuous documents (such as Word or a spreadsheet) can hide malware. Even a simple picture can not be what it seems. 2. Click on the shortened LINKS thoughtlessly If you use Twitter, you’ll know what we’re talking about: the links with shortened circulate the famous Hootsuite or with Google. Typically, what is behind is just a blog or a digital diary page, but some links are not what they seem. If it comes to link shortener or Google, copy the link, paste it into the address bar of your browser, before giving ‘Enter’, add the “+” symbol. This is the way to see the statistics associated with that URL, which will let you know which web leads, among other things. Another option is to rely on websites like LongURL or to do exactly the opposite that a shortening of links in these sites copy the shortened URL you raises questions and see where it takes you exactly. 3. MAKING ALL USING PUBLIC wifis There are few campaigns have been launched to raise awareness about the dangers of networks put at your disposal cafes, hotels, airports or libraries. It is very easy to spy your communications if surfing connected to one of these insecure networks. Use them wisely, do not share via public WiFi sensitive information (passwords, financial data …) and if you can, use a virtual private network (VPN) and access only to pages that use secure protocol (recognize them by the “https: ‘in the address bar). 4. IGNORE SECURITY UPDATES If the operating system says you have to install certain updates or program informs you that you have available, make her case. Many times these patches that fix a newly discovered vulnerability that cybercriminals could use to sneak into your system. The same applied to your computer, also applies to your phone. Always use the latest version of Android or iOS available and keep up to date applications you have installed. 5. USE THE SAME PASSWORD Although several services as comfortable and as usual, it is a bad idea. If you steal the password of a service, they will have all. In addition, any intrusion into the database of a company (and are becoming more frequent) will end with your credentials for sale on the black market. When the shift cybercriminal buy them, you can access all accounts you have protected with the same key. Want to be even more cautious? Active two-step verification whenever it is available (for example, Gmail and Facebook). 6. BELIEVE THAT DO NOT NEED ANTIVIRUS A good antivirus is the best barrier that can lift between your computer and cybercriminals. Every day new vulnerabilities, different ways of compromising your private information and raid your bank information is discovered. Only security experts a specialized firm are aware of all antivirus to update whenever a threat arises. By the way, if you have a Mac also it makes you lack. More and more viruses and other threats targeting Apple products emerge. 7. THINK backups are a waste of time making a backup is much easier than it sounds, but if you get lazy just thinking you have at your disposal many tools that handle everything. Security solutions allow Panda Security program ‘backups’ to save your files in the cloud and retrieve them quickly and easily. 8. DO CASE TO TELL browser when a connection is unsafe When we surf the Web, put the autopilot toward the page you want to visit and ignore everything that comes our way. If Chrome says that a web is not safe, we ignore it. If Firefox asks for confirmation before downloading a file, we give our approval without thinking. We have become accustomed to these messages so that they no longer notice them. As of now, for your sake, pay attention: neither Google nor Mozilla put those messages to spite. 9. TALK OVER IN NETWORKS Especially when we go on vacation and share all the details on Facebook or Twitter, but also when we revealed our location without thinking about who could use it unedifying purposes. Sometimes we forget, but all the information we publish on social networks is likely to end up in the wrong hands. 10. APPLICATIONS DOWNLOAD ANY PORTION The mobile malware is on the rise and one of the main pathways are discharging outside Google Play and Apple Store. While some threats are also strained, the official stores have certain safeguards that prevent distribute malware. Also, you can read reviews from other users before deciding to install an app, in case there was something suspicious. Conversely, if unofficial downloads page and install on your own, the likelihood that hide any unpleasant is much higher. About Panda Security Founded in 1990, Panda Security is the world’s leading security solutions company based in the cloud. Based in Spain, the company has direct presence in over 80 countries, products translated into more than 23 languages ​​and millions of users worldwide. Its mission is to simplify the complexity by creating new and better solutions to safeguard the digital life of its members. As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility policy, Panda Security collaborates with Stella Project to promote social and professional integration of people with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities. For more information, visit Follow us: For more information PandaComunica Esther V. Rojas mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Tel. +58 212 3937120 Mobile. +58 416 6298966 Have you read and reread lists tips to surf safely, buy online, so your most intimate photos do not end up on the Internet,

for cybercriminals do not ruin your holiday or to enjoy video games without compromising your privacy …

I have repeated certain basic precautions by active and passive, but keep ignoring almost all. Unfortunately, an oversight essentially can have very unpleasant consequences. So we gathered in a single list the basic security measures you should remember.


If you receive an email from a stranger, do not open or if you open it, never you download attachments. The seemingly innocuous documents (such as Word or a spreadsheet) can hide malware. Even a simple picture can not be what it seems.

2. Click on the shortened LINKS thoughtlessly

If you are using Twitter, you’ll know what we’re talking about: the links with shortened circulate the famous Hootsuite or of Google. Typically, what is behind is just a blog or a digital diary page, but some links are not what they seem. If it comes to link shortener or Google, copy the link, paste it into the address bar of your browser, before giving ‘Enter’, add the “+” symbol. This is the way to see the statistics associated with that URL, which will let you know which web leads, among other things. Another option is to rely on websites like LongURL or to do exactly the opposite that a shortening of links in these sites copy the shortened URL you raises questions and see where it takes you exactly.


There are few campaigns have been launched to raise awareness about the dangers of networks put at your disposal cafes, hotels, airports or libraries. It is very easy to spy your communications if surfing connected to one of these insecure networks. Use them wisely, do not share via public WiFi sensitive information (passwords, financial data …) and if you can, use a virtual private network (VPN) and access only to pages that use secure protocol (recognize them by the “https: ‘in the address bar).


If the operating system says you have to install certain updates or program informs you that you have available, make her case. Many times these patches that fix a newly discovered vulnerability that cybercriminals could use to sneak into your system. The same applied to your computer, also applies to your phone. Always use the latest version of Android or iOS available and keep up to date applications you have installed.

5. USE THE SAME PASSWORD various services

Although it is as comfortable and as usual, it is a bad idea. If you steal the password of a service, they will have all. In addition, any intrusion into the database of a company (and are becoming more frequent) will end with your credentials for sale on the black market. When the shift cybercriminal buy them, you can access all accounts you have protected with the same key. Want to be even more cautious? Active two-step verification whenever it is available (for example, Gmail and Facebook).


A good antivirus is the best barrier that can lift between your computer and cybercriminals. Every day new vulnerabilities, different ways of compromising your private information and raid your bank information is discovered. Only security experts a specialized firm are aware of all antivirus to update whenever a threat arises. By the way, if you have a Mac also it makes you lack. More and more viruses and other threats targeting Apple products.

7 arise. THINK backups ARE A WASTE OF TIME

Make a backup is much easier than it sounds, but if you get lazy just thinking have at your disposal many tools that handle of all. Security solutions allow Panda Security program ‘backups’ to save your files in the cloud and retrieve them quickly and easily.


When you browse the Web, put the autopilot toward the page you want to visit and ignore everything that comes our way. If Chrome says that a web is not safe, we ignore it. If Firefox asks for confirmation before downloading a file, we give our approval without thinking. We have become accustomed to these messages so that they no longer notice them. As of now, for your sake, pay attention: neither Google nor Mozilla put those messages to spite


Especially when we go on vacation and share all the details on Facebook or Twitter, but also when we exposed our location without thinking about who could use it unedifying purposes. Sometimes we forget, but all the information we publish on social networks is likely to end up in the wrong hands.


The mobile malware is on the rise and one of the main pathways are discharging outside Google Play and Apple Store. While some threats are also strained, the official stores have certain safeguards that prevent distribute malware. Also, you can read reviews from other users before deciding to install an app, in case there was something suspicious. Conversely, if unofficial downloads page and install on your own, the probability of any unpleasant hide much mayor.

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