Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Arctic sea ice is contracted through 4th lowest level – El Nuevo Herald

The Arctic sea ice shrank this month to its lowest level room, melting little hope of a recovery, federal scientists said.

The National Information Center said on Snow and Ice Arctic reported Tuesday that last week its minimum sea ice at 4.4 million square kilometers (1.7 million square miles), 621,600 sq km (240,000 sq miles) less than in 2014. That’s a difference of size California, New York and Maryland together.

“The ice is decreasing over time, which would be expected because the Arctic is warming,” said Julienne Stroeve scientific, research center information.

The summer sea ice has been shrinking since measurements began in 1979 Satellite peaked at 7.53 million square kilometers (2.71 million square miles ) in 1980 and reached a historic low of 3.36 million square kilometers (1.30 million square miles) in 2012 to 5.05 million square kilometers (1.95 million square miles) was recovered in 2013 and it was around that figure in 2014.

Changes in climate mean that the levels of sea ice oscillate a bit from year to year, but Stroeve said there was a long-term trend that is easier to appreciate when are the averages of five years or more.

The five years between 1979 and 1983 averaged 7.14 million square kilometers (2.76 million square miles) during the summer lows. The average of the past five years is 4.54 million square kilometers (1.72 million square miles), representing a decrease of 38% and more than 2.50 million square kilometers (one million square miles ).

That means no recovery in Arctic sea ice, despite the claims of some climate skeptics, said Stroeve and climatology scientist at Pennsylvania State University, Michael Mann, who was not involved in the measurement of the government team


National Snow and Ice Data Center: http: // NSIDC .org / arcticseaicenews /


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