An image of self cart Google on a street with other cars.
PicasaThe patent and Trademark Office has granted a US patent on a new technology Google: it is a strange layer of security that aims to catch pedestrians who may be overwhelmed by its autonomous cars.
the patent discloses placing a strong adhesive on the hood of the vehicle so that pedestrians or cyclists wound can be trapped like flies in this part of the self autonomous, avoiding secondary or collateral damage.
as explained in the patent, when a winding occurs pedestrian is hit hard and sometimes you can either roll on the ground and have bruises or travel above the vehicle with the same consequences. The aim of this film recubriría the car is to catch the individual and hold it in such a way that does not suffer the “secondary damage”, which according to Google would be the one that causes damage.
The patent was filed in 2014 and would be a temporary solution, because Google specifies that it is already working on perfecting sensors that will prevent such accidents from occurring or at least minimized to the maximum.
the vehicles would also have coverage for “human trap” other material to prevent insects and any garbage that has stuck in the environment.
The autonomous cars moving by leaps and bounds, to the point that Uber, Google and Ford have already created a coalition to urge governments to work in necessary to take to the streets these vehicles legislation. Google currently looking for drivers for testing in Arizona, while other US states They have already served sample to show the operation of these cars that drive themselves.
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