Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Rosetta probe short communication with the space robot Philae – Clarí

European space probe Rosetta today officially cut off communication with the space robot Philae perched on the comet “Churi” said the European Space Agency (ESA). “Today we have cut communications with Philae” said Andreas Schuetz, spokesman for the German space agency DLR. “is the end of a fascinating mission and crowned with success” added

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Artistic illustration of file approaching  the comet probe Rosetta & quot; & quot ;.  Churi EFE.

“We kept this way listening a little symbolic ” said Philippe Gaudon meanwhile, the French space agency CNES. But the Rosetta probe, escorting the comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko (known as “Churi”), moves away more and more of the sun and its panels are increasingly less light. “Therefore, must save energy so that Rosetta can continue to operate its ten instruments,” said the French expert.

Photograph Comet & quot; Churi. & quot;  taken on 7 July 2015 by the European probe Rosetta  from a distance of 154 kilometers EFE.

After ten years of traveling as a passenger of the Rosetta probe, Philae achieved a milestone when landing on the comet “Churi”. After several rebounds, the robot stabilized in a shaded area . Equipped with ten instruments, he worked for 60 hours and then “fell asleep” for lack of energy .

Image captured on November 12, 2014 showing  the comet's surface & quot; Churi & quot; during  the descent of Philae AFP..

In June 2015 awoke suddenly and had several contacts with Earth , but again gave no signs of life since July 9 last year. In February 2016, the teams responsible for the robot decided not send more orders , but still listening precaution

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as expected, the Rosetta probe complete its mission in a controlled area of ​​your kite fall on September 30 . Will be the end of space travel 12 years, which allowed advances in the understanding of these celestial bodies.

Artistic image of Rosetta probe in 2015.  Reuter widespread.

The mission is coming to an end as a result of the increasing distance of the spacecraft from the Sun and Earth. It is heading out to the orbit of Jupiter, resulting in solar energy significantly reduced to operate the spacecraft and its instruments, and a reduction in the bandwidth available for downlink scientific data.

. Source: AFP

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