Monday, August 8, 2016

It not has been able to confirm the existence of “heavy boson” – EnergyPress

The signs of something more important than the Higgs turn out to be a statistical mirage.

  The particle century fades

 After eight months of experiments, publications, theories and rumors, the mysterious particle interview last winter has gone. Those responsible for the main accelerator experiments world’s largest particle, the LHC, confirmed yesterday that has not been able to confirm the existence of that “heavy boson” that appeared at their detectors in December 2015.

 The announcement was made yesterday during the ICHEP 2016, the biggest annual conference of particle physics, which is held these days in Chicago (USA). The results of the two large detectors, ATLAS and CMS, include a full year of data that the LHC has worked to twice the power. Many physicists hoped that this new batch of experiments would discover new physics phenomena that go beyond the standard model describing, for now perfectly, quarks, bosons and other fundamental particles that make up matter.

 The particle which appeared in December was about 750 gigaelectronvoltios boson six times the mass of the Higgs boson. The interesting thing is that out of the standard model and therefore could be the first sign of a whole new area of ​​physics described by theories yet to be confirmed, as supersymmetry. It would be a much more important than the Higgs boson, historical discovery for all the enigmas of the universe that would investigate.

 The results accumulated by the CMS detector, leaked on Thursday night, they have extinguished the fire: no more no sign of the signs observed in December. The Dreamlife particle was merely a statistical fluctuation.

 Why the two experiments looked exactly the same signs of a new particle with the same mass right? The response of scientists yesterday that in statistics, as in the rest of the universe, there are strange coincidences that mean nothing.



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