Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Research reveals that there was life on Venus – Granma International

The planet Venus recorded suited to support life billions of years ago Photo: NASA

The planet Venus recorded low temperatures and ideal conditions to support life billions of years ago, according to research published today.

The news agency Prensa Latina (PL ) said the study led by NASA reports that the star had clouds, sometimes snow and it was not always hot with active volcanoes and excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

According to experts, the Dwelling characteristics lasted more than 715 million years, based on research with the design of four possible climate scenarios based on historical records of Earth.

in these models, the specialists saw the shallowness of oceans on Venus, variations of the energy received from the Sun and the length of days.

on the other hand, among the causes of environmental degradation of the planet, said PL researchers suggested slow rotation speed because currently takes to turn on itself 243 Earth days, a longer period its orbit. 225 days

Venus, the second planet of the solar system, is named frequently sister planet Earth because both are similar in mass, size and composition.


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