Friday, August 5, 2016

What does it take to earn a reward of US $ 200,000 Apple? – BBC World

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Straight to the point. is not easy, but not impossible

Apple announced Thursday opening a rewards program for those who identify flaws in their systems.

This is a program similar to that already have companies like Facebook, Google or Microsoft , and seeks to encourage hackers to share with them information about vulnerabilities in their systems, rather than sell it on the black market.

So the first thing is that have to be a hacker . One expert, or at least an amateur very fond of. As the 10-year-old last May received about US $ 10,000 for finding a way to delete comments from Instagram.

The second thing, perhaps even more difficult is that have to have your contacts in Apple as only developers who are known by the company may participate. The program is “invitation only”

  • Up to US $ 100,000 to discover vulnerabilities that can extract confidential material Secure Enclave

  • Up to US $ 50,000 Running malicious or arbitrary code with privileges in the kernel (central heart of the operating system)

  • Up to US $ 50,000 for access to account data in iCloud in Apple’s servers

  • Up to US $ 25,000 for access to user data contained in very restricted environments ( “sandboxed”) from outside that environment

The third is that no you are very ambitious . Assuming you have great skills in the world of hacking, maybe you should sell your findings to the authorities or indeed the black market.

Supposedly the FBI paid about a million dollars to access the data on the phone of one of the attackers shooting of San Bernardino, in which 14 people died.

that is precisely one of the reasons why Apple had refused so far to establish a program rewards : if you can not compete who can offer much more money than you, then why bother

But according to computer security experts, the evidence shows that these programs help? companies find faults that would otherwise unnoticed.

Returning to the conditions that would allow you to make money, fourth-and is optional, but Apple will suggest that hagas- is that you willing to donate the money you receive to charity .

which means it might not be impossible, but not so attractive after all.


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