Sunday, September 4, 2016

Gearbox confirms the new edition of Duke Nukem 3D – GamerFocus

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include two visual styles and new content, including St. Jon Jon dialogues and an unpublished chapter; It will be available on PC and consoles. 20th-anniversary-world-tour-confirmed-gearbox-software-pc-xbox-one-PS4-edition-new-1.png? resize = 360% 2C190 360w, .co / wp-content / uploads / 2016/09 / Duke-Nukem-3d-20th-anniversary-world-tour-confirmed-gearbox-software-pc-xbox-one-PS4-edition-new-1.png? resize = 790% 2C418 790W, software-pc-xbox-one-PS4-edition-new-1.png resize = 1130% 2C597 1130w ">

a week ago they began to emerge rumors on a reissue of the shooter cult Duke Nukem 3D on the occasion of its 20th anniversary, the development of which would be charge of Nerve Software and published under the seal Gearbox Software. The latter company has confirmed the existence of the project that brings a lot of news that many fans will appreciate

The new edition will include the name Duke Nukem 3D. 20th Anniversary World Tour ; New features will include a choice between the classic 2.5D engine or “True 3D” mode, new dialogues for Duke Nukem holder by the actor Jon St. Jon, and a completely new fifth episode called ” Alien World Order “which includes 8 levels designed by Allen Blum and Richard III” Levelord “Gray plus new songs composed by Lee Jackson (the trio was part of the original team of Duke Nukem 3D ). Also we see a new weapon, another type of enemy called Firefly, and comments “in-game” made by developers

Duke Nukem 3D. 20th Anniversary World Tour will be available from October 11 for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

Via:. PC Gamer

Source: Page Duke Nukem


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