Sunday, September 4, 2016

The north pole of Jupiter baffles NASA – LaRepú

The Juno probe sent the first images that have never seen the north pole of Jupiter, taken in the first flyby of the ship on the planet with its instruments of a lighted board.

NASA it is reported on Saturday that the images show weather and very different from what had been observed so far in the Solar System storms activity.

The ship successfully executed the first of its planned orbital overflights (36 in total) on 27 August. The ship flew 4,200 kilometers above the planet. The agency has spent a day and a half analyzing the 6 MB of data collected by the spacecraft, which fly over the north pole of the planet lasted six hours.

“The first look over the north pole of Jupiter not unlike anything we’ve seen or imagined, “said Scott Bolton, principal investigator of Juno at the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio.

the ship has also taken the first infrared images north and south poles of Jupiter, which are revealing hot spots that have never seen before. “While we knew that this first look might reveal an aurora borealis in the planet’s south pole,” Bolton explains, “we were surprised to see it first. No other instrument on Earth or space, had never seen. it seems very bright and well structured. the high level of detail in the

images tell us more about their morphology and dynamics, “he added.

the Juno probe is the ship powered by solar energy that has traveled further in space. It arrived last July 7 after five years of travel to the orbit of Jupiter, and give 36 laps before crashing into its surface. The ship, unmanned and the size of a basketball court, is the first designed to operate in the heart of the radiation belts of Jupiter, the first to reach 2,575 kilometers from their superiors clouds and it will take images more resolution never seen Jupiter.


  • Many of the extrasolar planets are gas giants like Jupiter, and what is learned with Juno serve to interpret better worlds beyond the solar system.

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