Monday, September 5, 2016

[VIDEO] A planet dominated by robots murderers, Recore presents his new trailer – HSB News

Keiji Inafune creator Mega Man and Dead Rasing , and the study Armature Studio , founded by former members of Retro Studios responsible for the trilogy Metroid Prime , brings a new action-packed game and exploration released for Xbox One and pc.

Recore is the title of this new franchise to take the player to step into the shoes of Joule Adamas , one of the few humans left on the planet known as Far Eden , a land sufficient dominated by amazing robots whose sole purpose is to destroy the protagonist of the story. In order to escape this situation we befriend a group of robots with unique abilities known as ‘Corebots’ .

microsoft has also confirmed that like Forza Horizon 3 , the video game did not have an dubbing Castilian but if he had other languages ​​such as English, French, German, Italian, Latin Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and Russian. Other languages ​​such as Chinese and Japanese will only have a translation text.

exclusive title Microsoft will sell 16 September and will be the one that marks the beginning of a new holiday season, premiering the Xbox play Anywhere , a format that allows enjoy the game Xbox one and Windows 10 while book in digital format.

definitely a title that left us waiting to play in one of these two platforms.

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