Sunday, October 16, 2016

Asgardia will be the nation’s first human in space – informational Level

A group of scientists working on the creation of Asgardia, which would be the nation’s first space of the history of mankind. The country’s futuristic is now accepting applications for those who want to be their citizens. The project, which was presented by their authors in Paris, expects to launch its first satellite in 2017 and aims to host at some point to 150 million national, who would live and work there.

Asgardia, inspired in the name of the world of the norse gods, will be a democracy, with an emphasis on the individual freedom to develop space technologies, said the Russian Igor Ashurbeiyli, founder of the city and head of the project. Those who want to be their citizens, they can apply in

it Is thought that Asgardia is to be located in the low orbit of the earth. According to the leaders of the project, you need at least tens of thousands of people before you apply formally to the United Nations for recognition. In addition, the team seeks funding for the design of the flag and insignia of the nation’s future.

order to create this nation is to serve humanity and seek peace in the space, said the founder, who is also director of Socium Holding, a company that according to their website "has 10,000 employees in 30 countries worldwide and is dedicated to operate in sectors such as science and technology". Ashurbeiyli, based on the statistics, he believes that 150 million people will come of that 2% of the world’s population is creative people and progressive.

In the selection process, preference will be given to those who develop and invest in space technologies. In addition, it will reflect to the earth in the space, but leaving behind issues such as borders, limitations of religious and state guidelines.

For the expert on legal issues of Asgardia Ram Jakhu of the University MacGill, Canada, Asgardia will not have problems to comply at any time with the four requirements that the UN requires to consider a nation to a state (territory, people, sovereignty, and right). Asgardia is also the name of the first satellite that the team plan to release the 2017. This launch will be from a "developing country not member of the Treaty on Outer Space (OST, for its acronym in English), in order to avoid legal restrictions for the same —the OST prohibits releases of the private sector.

Another one of the projects of the initiative Asgardia is to protect the earth from asteroids and space debris, as well as coronal mass ejections, waves that are given off by the sun and that can cause damage to electrical circuits and communication systems on earth.

the promoters of The project are to: Igor Ashurbeyli, the founder of the Center of Aerospace Research International (AIRC) in Russia; David Alexander, director of the Institute of the Spatial Rice University; Ram Jakhu, director of the Institute of Air and Space Law, McGill University; Joseph N. Pelton, director of the Institute of Space Research and Advanced Communications (SACRI) at George Washington University and Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu, former cosmonaut Romanian.

This is not the first initiative to found a jurisdiction in space: Mars One, a project of the Dutch researcher Bas Lansdorp, wants to establish a colony of human standing on Mars. His plan is to send satellites starting in 2018, and the 2022 to send the first team of humans to settle on the red planet permanently, which, in turn, would be replaced every two years.


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