Saturday, November 23, 2013

Agreement decaffeinated Climate Summit in Warsaw - The

nearly 200 participants at the Conference of the UN Climate in Warsaw (COP19) countries today achieved a minimum agreement to resume negotiations and outline a roadmap towards global and binding agreement on reducing emissions in 2015 .

delegations agreed text by replacing the word “commitments” to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by established statewide decaffeinated the term “contributions” , which does not meet with the initial expectations of the EU but happy to most developing countries, and especially to India and China.

European Commissioner for Climate Action, Connie Hedegaard acknowledged that has been very difficult to reach an agreement during the summit in Warsaw but stressed the importance of having agreed a timetable for countries to submit their objectives emission reduction before the COP21 of Paris in 2015, and that all States to contribute to the effort to reduce emissions.

For its part, the Spanish Minister of Agriculture and Environment, Miguel Arias Cañete, said the consensus text should not be interpreted as “a waiver of achieving an ambitious, but as the result of a process of complex negotiations where all parties have had to accept compromise solutions “.

Reviews of the developing countries

Although less than many expected, this agreement allows outlining a roadmap to a final agreement to be reached at the peak of 2015 and will come into force from 2020.

However, on behalf of the G77 and China, the representative of Bangladesh regretted that the Conference Warsaw tarry behind expectations. “We came with high hopes to Warsaw (. ..), he wanted to sit bases (for climate agreement in Paris 2015), “he said. “We clearly deviate from the main objective. What about people like my country, what happens to the people of the Philippines?” Bagladesh representative asked.

“We are very disappointed,” said for his part the representative of Bolivia, ensuring clear promises missing. “We need concrete figures to strengthen adaptation measures in developing countries. Instead, we have only vague formulations “, denounced the representative of the Philippine delegation.

Disappointment among environmental groups

representatives of environmental organizations, who left Thursday’s Conference at the lack of progress was also expressed disappointment. “The current text is nothing more than an exercise in yoga dialectical ,” said Oxfam director Winniw Byanyma.

“For the third consecutive year, countries found a new way to say absolutely nothing . That will leave some of the poorest people and countries affected by weather effects with large holes in their already meager budgets, “said Byanyma.

So far the only concrete measure had left the COP19 after two weeks of negotiations has been an agreement that includes new mechanisms to protect tropical forests because of its ability to absorb carbon dioxide.

delegations have also agreed to the release of one of the three major themes in this summit, the issue of long-term financing of measures against climate change, with a call for developed countries to achieve the mobilization of 100.000 million for 2020 from public and private funds.

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