The comet ISON in an image captured by NASA’s Marshall Center on 8 November. REUTERS
has suffered a “burst” of activity and became “naked-eye ” on a stage approach to the Sun, as confirmed by researchers from the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia ( IAA-CSIC).
comet activity “has surprised astronomers” involved in observing campaigns to study the comet before and after its closest approach to the Sun , says the CSIC in a note.
One cause of the visibility of comets lies in the transformations undergone by the heavenly bodies as they approach the sun king , because the ice is heated, evaporated and carry with beans powder, which when released, reflect sunlight This is how you form the comet’s tail and fuzzy patch that surrounds the nucleus.
Add to that, according to one researcher, Pablo Santos Sanz, that cometary activity experienced a 15-fold increase in the production of hydrogen cyanide , in just 48 hours, various sources and also suggest an increase in the sublimation of water.
“Pop” unexplained activity that only one hemisphere of the nucleus has received solar radiation, so there might still be “fresh ice” in the other hemisphere, which just received the sunlight As the comet gets closer to the sun parts now in shadow will suddenly receive solar radiation and can sublimate.
This comet sample
“peculiarities”, for example, that its orbit is estimated to come from the Oort cloud, surrounding the solar system and is believed formed by the remnants of the nebula gave rise to the Sun and the planets of the solar system 4,600 million years ago.
Oort cloud contains nuclei that give rise to long-period comets, so ISON study would give to “some physical and chemical keys” that help understand the formation and evolution of the system Solar .
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Russians Astronomers discovered the September 21, 2012 , using a telescope of the International Scientific Optical Network, and its name comes precisely from its English name.
addition, given the fact that this comet practically rub the Sun on November 28 . Then, about 1.8 million miles from the sun, can reach temperatures of about 5,000 degrees.
Heat can cause an intense period of activity derived not only from the sublimation of ice, researchers say, “but also of silicates or metals”.
finish ISON fragmenting or “vaporizing” as has happened with more than 2,000 comets included in the category of those who rub the Sun
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