real moment of truth for the Ison comet is very close. Maybe next Thursday afternoon, he passed almost brushing against the sun, breaking and vaporized, but you can survive and offer a few days later, a good show in the skies at the end of the night. Even it is possible to fragment, without disintegrating, and several pieces of comet look after the passage next to the star. For now, the Ison heads towards its rendezvous with Star guarded by numerous telescopes on Earth and in space. Scientists without key data such as the precise size or density of the object, can not anticipate what will happen with this dirty snowball that was discovered a little over a year, when he was nearly 1,000 million km from Earth and direct path toward the sun, but they will not miss the moment of closest approach to the star, when approaching to 1.24 million kilometers from its surface. They want to investigate what happens and have launched campaigns to observe the great scientific institutions, with several NASA space observatories, research centers worldwide and amateur astronomers.
comes from the Oort cloud, a “wrap” on the edge of the solar system
few days ago, when it seemed that he would not shine as much as expected, the comet suffered Ison, suddenly, a burst of activity and an increase in luminosity detected scientists from the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA) coordinated by José Luis Ortiz. Shortly after a German expert from the Max Planck Institute have obtained some images of the comet in which structures such as wings Spread your hair stand out, they conclude that these apparent wings are due to have broken one or more pieces of Ison, but many scientists disagree with this interpretation.
“Ison reaches the confines of the solar system, has been traveling a million years and is about to reach the star that has been pulling it for so long”, abstract experts observing campaign of the NASA . It is the first time this comet travels to the vicinity of the Sun .. and last: morning or breaks due to intense heat, radiation and the strong gravitational pull of the star or, if it survives, will walk away never to return
been traveling a million years attracted by the gravitational force
about four kilometers in diameter (according to estimates made from observations of the Hubble telescope), the Ison, whose technical name is C/2012 S1 is a normal comet in composition: A dirty snowball made of powder, rock and frozen particles, such as water, ammonia, methane and carbon dioxide gases. As you approach the star, comets develop a hair or eat the atmosphere is formed around the core of materials that volatilize due to solar radiation. When are closer still the star, can stretch a gaseous tail extending in the sky thanks to the radiation and the solar wind.
Ison, as is the first time you experience this process in the approach to the Sun (its release in the central region of the solar system is derived from the calculations of his career), “is still made of pristine material from the early days the formation of the solar system, “explained NASA experts. Vitali discovered Novichonok Nevski and Artyom, the September 21, 2012, from Kislovodsk (Russia), working with the International Scientific Optical Network, whose acronym in English, chose to christen the small celestial object. It comes from the Oort cloud, a kind of wrap at the edge of the solar system consists of residual material formation, about 4,500 million years ago.
‘s a dirty snowball, rock, gases and dust and diameter of 4 miles
“At the time of its discovery, Ison was at 6.29 astronomical units (an astronomical unit, AU, is the distance from Earth to the Sun), that is, 943 million kilometers, between the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn “explains
can vaporize or become a great show in the sky
solar astronomers working with the space observatory are willing Stereo match over Ison so close to the star with a mass ejection crown a magnetized plasma jet that shoots out when it explodes a sunspot. “I would love to see the comet affected by a large ejection of these, not destroy, but give us the opportunity to study the interactions with the tail end of Ison” says Karl Battams, astronomer U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, which participates in Watching the campaign Ison. In 2007, Comet Encke endured a solar storm like this, remember, but then the sun was in the phase of minimum activity, as it is now at a maximum. And Ison will fly over the Sun by Ecuador in a region where several active spots were detected.
are very aware of what happens Stereo scientists, but also of many other observatories and space probes, such as the American Messenger orbiting Mercury, who was able to capture the comet last week. Even the last great telescope has been in operation, the Alma radio telescope (the
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