Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Promises for the future of Amazon - Five Days

Amazon promises more profits tomorrow-this time through deliveries drones. Jeff Bezos, CEO of seller online , hoping to use drones to deliver small packages in a few years. It’s an amazing view, but it seems like so overly optimistic expectations of investors in the company. Its market value has soared to 180,000 million despite its great benefits are always floating in the future.

drone technology has advanced greatly in the last decade by the improvements in software, robotics and networking. The use of these unmanned vehicles and is common in the military, and the cheap, fast and automated shipping could benefit all types of businesses. Bezos said that Amazon could use drones in four or five years to deliver packages weighing less than 2.5 kilos in 30 minutes.

Maybe a long-term thinker Bezos is testing the limits of the possible. But the best is a long way to go. Leave robots flying freely in densely populated areas raises all sorts of questions of safety, security and privacy.

Bezos runs Amazon

with the aim of rapid growth and maximize long-term benefits

Bezos has always made it clear that Amazon runs with the aim of rapid growth and maximizing long-term benefits. Make all your company speak on Monday, known as Cyber ??Monday, the biggest day of the year for online shopping , will help you achieve the former. Analysts expect earnings reach about 75,000 Amazon billion this year, 23% more than last.

But it is still unclear when Amazon will offer a normal return. According to estimates compiled by Thomson Reuters, the price of the company is around 165 times its assessment of income for the next 12 months, compared to 15 times that listed his rival. As a drone trinkets short term, that’s a triumph of hope over experience investors.

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