Saturday, January 4, 2014

Brains of mentally ill stole and sold online - Reuters



NEW YORK, Jan. 4 (IRIN) –

A 21-year-old has been arrested for stealing brains of mental patients who subsequently sold through the internet, some of them through auction site eBay.

Suspicions arose when it became apparent that something strange was happening in an ice cream parlor in Indiana (USA). The target was stolen brains and arrest the suspect showed a macabre dead brain drain mentally ill to sell on the Internet, reports CNN.

stopped it sold sixty brains were stolen from the Museum of the History of Medicine of Indiana, where he took 60 vials of human brain and other tissues from autopsies of patients in the 1890s, which found in a storage space.

Court documents revealed that some bottles were sold on the auction site eBay by an intermediary, despite the company policy against trade in human beings and with your body.

“business” that the suspect had built began to crumble when the museum’s executive director, Mary Ellen Hennessey Nottage received a call last month from a man in California who said she had purchased “six jars of brain matter “for $ 600 on eBay, according to court documents. The man suspected that the bottles were stolen when compared with others on the museum’s website.

youth was arrested on 16 December after authorities organized a sting operation. The suspect was charged with robbery and other charges.

detainee appeared in court in Indianapolis this month in relation to the alleged theft of dozens of human brain tissue flasks valued at about $ 4,800.

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