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UPDATED 17/01/2014 – 10:15
How and why? birds fly in a ‘V’? An article published in the journal Nature explains that these carefully orchestrated movements reduce energy expenditure of these animals.
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How and why do birds fly in a ‘V’? An article published in the journal Nature explains that these carefully orchestrated movements reduce energy expenditure of these animals.
Scientists have monitored wild birds for the first time to investigate the mechanisms and interactions that occur during flight .An international team of researchers has observed the flight of a group of fourteen bald ibises (hermit Geronticus) migratory flying in formation in ‘V’.
recorded their position, speed , course and every flutter over a period of 43 minutes.
According to his observations, the birds create these formations to save energy by body position, to synchronize the movement of their wingbeats. Individuals thus flying in groups often change their position and alter the time of flapping to get the best possible aerodynamic advantage.
“By flying in V-formation behind and next to the bird front-ranging birds flap their wings behind in phase, which gives them an extra boost from the bird in front, “says the study, which is eco SINC.Selected Topics: | class=”c3″> huge whale 50 tones hid under a recreational boat | The 10 best preserved mummies of women in history | Ten technologies that real consumption will trend in 2014 | class=”c3″> Most interesting and original ancient stairs | The 10 leisure cities of China | Beautiful unknown islands in the world | class=”c3″> Acupuncture relieves hot flashes from chemotherapy for breast | 10 reasons to leave Facebook in 2014 | robots have purchased Google |
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