webOS has had numerous setbacks in his short but complicated existence. However, things could eventually favor him and could be the platform to put at the top of LG smart TVs.
life has been much too complicated. Far now is that in 2009 he was presented the first generation of the Palm Pre, a device that despite not having the success we would have liked, managed to woo all those who dared to try. Since then, many things have happened, a legion of followers was created after Palm gadgets with a whole community of developers willing to build applications and homebrew.
Unfortunatelyeither by stiff competition from Android and iOS now, or Palm did not have the resources to deal with Google and Apple, webOS devices managed never be the brands that had broken competition, and by little the company was no longer profitable, investors lost confidence in, and finally was absorbed by thirsty for something new HP with what face a new era of mobile devices.
The idea was simple, make webOS as its operating system for tablets. The idea promised, and promised much. For months the media was talking about how great they could be tablets like the Apple iPad if they had such a fun and intuitive platform was used as webOS. But again, things did not go as they should, and HP ended up topping their tablets with the operating system developed by Palm, and finally sold the platform earlier this year.
LG, a new beginning
had been two years since HP announced that it would build new webOS devices, but would continue supporting the platform as free software . It was in February this year when buying platform was announced by LG.
TVs Implement a platform designed for mobile, the great challenge of LG
But rather than pursue the creation of new mobile devices, Koreans have their own ideas for the future of webOS, and immediately announced to the world that there will distance themselves from Google in the mobile segment, and that the new acquisition will destined to give life to future generations of its smart TVs.
is how we got to this. We are a few hours that we present what could well be the last opportunity for a platform a name for himself, but never managed to establish. And now it is time to question whether the strategy taken by LG will succeed or is doomed to failure.
The opportunity never found
enthusiasm for the new LG system has spread like wildfire. For years we have all wanted to see webOS open a hole somewhere, and that is that we’ve had a chance to try feel it is a real shame to see a platform that slowly die under other conditions could have gone much further.
But now there’s a new dawn, and one very promising. The battle with smart TVs is booming, and LG knows that although image quality and general hardware are doing better than almost any other manufacturer things, Samsung leads them enough advantage in regards to software, so they have the need to press soon and webOS represents them that opportunity.
However, things should be easy. By the leaks we know that LG has decided to change the way you see the interface, but some things have remained fundamental. That is the case of navigation cards , a classic from the first Palm Pre, and that was key to the initial popularity of the OS, so the Koreans have decided to keep it now in TVs even if it is very different hardware.
how the interface cards on mobile devices was the key to the platform favorable reviews was implemented. Thus, the success of this new beginning for webOS would depend entirely on how LG implemented card system. The user experience is everything , and if they are forced too things in the transition from smartphones to the TV, you could have lost the essence of what actually did interesting platform.
However, despite being a very difficult start again, TVs are the perfect breeding ground for the new webOS success . The fact is that LG has a very favorable position within the sector, and as we said, is currently only overshadowed by the good work of software from Samsung. For that, now more than ever webOS has prepared the way to propel their new owners as leaders in the market of smart TV.
JJ Torres
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