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A bolide of undetermined origin has crossed this Sunday it will be the Spanish peninsula, according to several testimonies and as stated in the list of the Spanish Research Network Fireballs and Meteorites.
According to the organization, the phenomenon has been observed from Catalonia, the Community Valenciana, Andalucía , Aragon, Castilla-La Mancha Castile and Leon Madrid and Extremadura .
According to several witnesses, the fireball illuminated the sky with color changing lights around 6:55 pm for a few seconds, and has left a long trail and a trail of smoke before disintegrate.
This list includes only the brightest meteors and representative, since the entity detects more than 500 a year through its 25 stations equipped with sensors, which cover 95% of the mainland.
-or fireballs fire– balls are generated when
As noted by the entity, less than a dozen of the cars produced annually detected meteors, which are recorded when the particle reaches interplanetary origin impact with Earth.
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