Sunday, September 7, 2014

A possible meteorite crosses Spain early in the morning – The Reason

A possible meteorite and its luminous trail have been spotted at 07.00 hours today citizens of Barcelona and Tarragona, which have Twitter account, with photographs that you can see smoke pink and white.

The State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) in Catalonia has also reported the possible meteor that illuminated the sky of Barcelona with a flash towards 06.55 hours today, as found by the staff on duty of this entity.

Meanwhile, the Red Meteorite Research has updated its website the list including such has been seen this morning, conducted by Dr. Josep M. phenomena Wheat, scientist at the Meteor Group, Small Bodies and Planetary Sciences Institute of Space (CSIC-IEEC) Science.

In that listing only the brightest and representative cases are included, as in 25 operating stations of that network are detected each year about 500 racers.

For the moment, the list only the registration of different images of the continuing wake of possible meteor sightings today is collected, but not yet it has been possible to determine their origin and determine their magnitude.

The supposed meteorite has been also Catalan seen in other areas of Spain, such as Andalusia, Aragón, Castilla-La

Mancha, Castilla y León, Madrid, Valencia and Extremadura Community, as Red said.

In Catalonia, the testimonies come from Barcelona’s twitter Olesa populations of Montserrat, Berga, Ullastrell and Badalona and Barcelona and Tarragona.

A bolide or fireball is the name given to the lower magnitude -4 luminous phenomenon produced when a particle or interplanetary origin enters the Earth’s atmosphere at speeds between 11 and 73 kilometers per second.

These particles are detached rocks asteroid, comet or even rocks from the Moon or Mars, although this is rare, according to the Research Network Fireballs and Meteorites.


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