Saturday, September 6, 2014

Ikea makes fun of Apple’s announcement of its new catalog –

Apple, the tech giant has a strong identity which is reflected in their advertising, easily recognizable by the use of rendered images and minimalism of their ‘spots’ on video, among others. These features have borrowed another giant, east of the furniture industry and will decor, Ikea, to present its new catalog of 2015, in a video parodies featuring the Californian company.

The video presents Jörgen Eghammer, which presented as ‘Chief Design Guru’, something like ‘Guru Chief Designer’. Dressed in a shirt and a minimalist white background, Eghammer gives way to some rendered images of the catalog, which swivels in the image and likeness of Apple devices (especially iPad and iPhone) in their advertisements.

The jokes do not stay on the visual, but also make the script extensible spot. They state that “the 2015 Ikea catalog comes fully loaded and your battery is eternal “.

In addition, references to Apple technology are abundant. Explain that there is an e-book or ‘e-book’, but a ‘bookbook’ (‘Book-Book’). The parody touch device technology company founded by Steve Jobs continues: “Navigation is based on Touch Technology you can really feel”



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