Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Dropbox is subjected to a hacker attack – Latest Gadget

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 dropbox Dropbox is subjected to a hacker attack

A service cloud storage has made the news for a security breach. In this case it has the turn to Dropbox that yesterday left no important files to some users but that’s not all.

In the network has jumped information about an alleged hacking Dropbox has compromised the security of 7 million accounts , getting emails and passwords of all the owners.

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Dropbox for its part has issued an official statement saying that they have not suffered any hacking but is have managed to steal user passwords through a third party service. According to the company, many of these passwords were expired and not, have been disabled to prevent unauthorized access to those accounts affected

At this point, the sensible is immediately change the password access to our Dropbox account, and will be sure that if you have been affected by the hack, no one can enter our session and steal critical data or documents. If we used our Dropbox password to access other services such as email, we must also change them as quickly as possible.

Another step is to check which applications are accessing our Dropbox account and eliminate all those not to use or of questionable reliability. Finally, to ensure maximum ourselves is the best enabled two-step verification , a measure of security that many companies have already implemented to avoid such situations.

It is not the first time we see a situation like this and sure will not be the last. It seems that security and privacy gaps remain that endanger our data and a priori but we seem to be safe, always comes a day like today or as the situation experienced with iCloud to realize that it is not

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tags Attack hacker, dropbox, security

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