Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Google shows that this trend was 2014 with a doodle … – 24 Hours

The most famous search engine in the world explained what were the issues that marked trend this 2014 in our country.

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What was the most sought Chile in the 2014

As usual, the giant internte Google changed its traditional logo a doodle animated , this time inspired by the themes that marked trend during this year .

Pressing the interativa image, the browser displays the “most popular” topics in the country, which highlighted the Bono March 2014 , the World Cup Brazil and the deaths of actor Robin Williams and music star Gustavo Cerati .

What is a doodle?

doodles (a word which in English means scribbled drawings) serve a Google to commemorate significant dates or events in your browser page.

Google often changes its official logo of blue, red, yellow and green letters on a drawing or animation interactive allusive character or date it commemorates. You can find an archive of the doodles has published in recent years: Click on the . link

Photo: Reproduction –

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