emphasize landing a spacecraft on a comet and other milestones of knowledge and technology.
For the 2014 Science magazine highlighted the top ten scientific developments creating increasingly similar chips to the modus operandi of the brain, more interactive robots, capabilities inject new blood into old bodies; the creation of pancreatic cells from stem cells to combat diabetes, among others that will surely give way to significant progress in the next year and the next five years.
The Mexican Academy of Sciences resumed the publication of the prestigious magazine and simply explained the ten most important events of that list.
The facts that stand out and explaining the Mexican Academy of Sciences, are:
The first is that “after a ten-year journey through the Solar System, the Rosetta probe of the European Space Agency, got his ‘Philae’ module landed at 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet and take a series spectacular photos that caught the public imagination, marking a historic to be the first spacecraft to descend successfully in a comet time. Rosetta aims to investigate the composition and characteristics of the comet to help decipher how did life began on Earth orbiting and will continue during 2015.
Second, refers to “different groups of evolutionary biologists collected and analyzed data from dinosaur fossils, ancient species of birds, as well as extinct birds -encontrados over a decade from which could raise the mode and pace of the dramatic evolutionary transition from dinosaurs to birds. They noted, for example, that dinosaurs which eventually gave rise to birds constantly became smaller and thinner as time goes bones. Once the body plan of birds crystallized, new species of birds appeared quickly, probably because of their small size allowed them to find food and shelter than their larger relatives do not have exploited “.
In the third event reference to “three new studies published this year showed that injecting mice older blood of young mice can make them recover some lost physical and mental abilities with age, such as muscle strength, endurance, memory is made and sense of smell. The studies are consistent with each other and support the idea that there are substances in the blood that could be important therapeutically, such as protein called GDF11. This line of research could one day lead to therapies for medical conditions often found in human they age. “
Robotics also appears on these numbers. “Robots are improving all the time at work with humans, but this year several teams showed that these machines can work together without human supervision After years of work, researchers developed a new software, and interactive robots able to cooperate in rudimentary tasks. So far, all the robots collaboration are based on local data relatively crude on their environment and other robots, but they and their sensors are rapidly improving ” .
“This year, computer engineers from IBM and other companies, raised the possibility of creating first large chips scale” neuromorphic “, created to process information more akin to the human brain forms. The network of the brain consists of 100 billion of joined by 100 trillion synapses cells, which dwarfs anything that these chips can gather, however, the new IBM chip includes 5.4 billion transistors and 256 million “synapses” and the company is working to build networks more complex “.
As a sixth reference to “since the discovery of human embryonic cells, researchers have tried to use them against diseases including diabetes is made. This year the researchers approached this goal when two groups published methods for converting cells human stem in the pancreatic beta cells-the very cells that are destroyed by the immune system itself in patients with type 1 diabetes fully functional able to produce insulin. “
“Scientists have begun to understand and play with the physical basis of memory. Experts optical fibers implanted into the brains of genetically modified mice to give light pulses. Known under the name of optogenetics, this technique allows each neuron respond the stimulus of light. According to scientists, this research may help us understand in the future how humans sometimes remember things that have not happened, “said the statement from the AMC in the seventh event.
In the eighth, states that “the CubeSat began as tools for university education, a way for college students placed a simple Sputnik in space. But now, technological advances in consumer electronics such as smartphones that fit each more power in a smaller package, have made these small boxes of ten centimeters consolidate increasingly in space research and used in more ambitious business plans, both for its low cost as improvements in design ” .
In the ninth event, states that “all life on Earth as we know it encodes genetic information using four molecules, known as the alphabet of life. Adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine But recently, scientists created the first living organism semisynthetic, a bacterium Escherichia coli, which includes an additional pair of ‘letters’ of DNA expanding the genetic code of life and opening the door to the creation of new types of microbes. For now, the new letters in the DNA of E. coli do not code for anything, but in principle, researchers could use them to create proteins that include block design “unnatural” construction.
Finally, the list of 10, it is noted that “examples of rock art found in caves on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia, dating back nearly 40,000 years, increased the famous Caves of Altamira in Spain antiquity, according to a study published this year. The paintings include representations of hands and a babirussa, a large primitive pig arguably the oldest example of figurative art world. The finding suggests even that populations in Indonesia independently invented a symbolic art as soon as the cave painters of Europe did, or that modern humans were already sophisticated artists as they expanded out of Africa migration that began about 60,000 years ago. “
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