Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The use of smartphones changes the brain in real time – Venezolana de Television

Caracas, December 24, 2014.- Researchers from Switzerland and Germany argue that the use of smartphones changes the brain in real time.

Given the recent obsession smart phones, scientists at the University of Zurich (Switzerland) and Freiburg (Germany), decided to explore the plasticity of the brain in everyday situations and analyze how the use of fingers in handling touchscreen cell shapes it.

In the study, published in the journal Current Biology, brain scans were performed to measure the activity of cortical brain regions of 37 right-handed people, 26 of whom were users ‘smartphone’ with touchscreen and 11 cell with traditional keyboards.

The scientists concluded that the electrical activity in the brain of smart phone users increased by touching the tips of the thumb, index and middle indicates the portal ‘Tech Times ‘.

It also revealed that the use of touch screens changes the way the thumbs and brain work together and that the amount of activity in the cerebral cortex associated with the thumb and forefinger was directly proportional the amount of time the device was used intelligent. Sensory processing in our brain cortex “is continuously remodeled by personal digital technology,” the study authors stressed. / CLAA.


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