Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Anomaly Magnet Collider delay performance – The Universal

  The European Centre for Particle Physics ( CERN ) said the commissioning complete operation of your great accelerator proton suffer a delay due to an intermittent short circuit, which has been identified and will be repaired soon.


 “It’s kind of metal powder which is located somewhere in a magnet between three four sectors (throttle) and causes the appearance of a short circuit at times,” said a spokesman for the organization.


 The delay in commissioning comprehensive operation and energy level provided for the accelerator can be from several days to several weeks, depending on the option chosen by the engineers to resolve this error.


 The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), as this machine capable of generating an intensity unprecedented power, has eight sectors and so far seven had operated as part of a process known gradual start.


 The seven sectors concerned were thus ready to achieve this year an energy of 6.5 TeV (teralectronvoltios) for each proton beam circulating in opposite directions in the accelerator, resulting in a collision energy of 13 TeV.


 Those responsible sure that the type of problem found “well known” and its impact will be “minimal” in the operation of the LHC, which was stopped two years, during which he was subjected to a thorough technical review.


 The ring, located in an excavated tunnel between 80-100 meters below CERN facilities -in the border of France and Switzerland was opened every twenty yards to improve all connections between magnets and ensure peak performance.


 In this new phase of operations, improved throttle can use full capacity for physics in the period 2016-2018, during which aims to shed light on the composition of the dark matter.


 Among the most likely solutions are evaluated to solve the intermittent short is reheat the affected sector, like the rest of the collider is 270 degrees Celsius.


 In that case, after the repair would have to reach that extreme cold temperature lower than the externally-more space for the machine to function normally again, which in total would take about five weeks.


 The spokesman said that an “X” magnet where the anomaly has been localized to determine its precise point and make a decision on how to resolve the issue will take place tomorrow.






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