Special Year. Today’s event could not be assessed due to the time difference. This year there will be two lunar eclipses in April and September.
The phenomenon took particular interest today worldwide. Why? This is total eclipse of the tenth century and the first of 2015 also occurred on the day of the vernal equinox (in Europe), when the sun passes the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere.
Solar eclipses occur when, from the perspective of the Earth, the Moon passes in front of the sun and hides, though, depending on the location of the planet where the observer is, the phenomenon can can be total, annular or partial.
“The eclipses occur every year, but very few who manage seen clearly. Probably the eclipse tomorrow (today) with the particularities has not repeat within a considerable period of years, “says Mario Zegarra physical Valles, the Planetarium at the Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP).
Here is dawn
Unfortunately this phenomenon can not be seen in our country for the time difference. When it happened here were 4am.
Only those who are in the Danish Archipelago Faroese around nine GMT or on the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard islands to 10 hours GMT, you can see the Sun become a black disk.
The phenomenon would have begun in the Atlantic off the African coast, at latitude 20 °, and ended east of the Russian city of Krasnoyarsk, in the central plateau siberiana.Fue an eclipse which, in Overall, I would have lasted 249 minutes (just over four hours). The next visible solar eclipse will take place on August 21, 2017.
Each year there are at least two solar eclipses and at most may be five, but this happens rarely. The last eclipse took place in 2005 and last year where there were five solar eclipses was in 1935. The next will be in 2206.
But this total solar eclipse will not be the only event that will happen this year as well there will be two eclipses of the moon.
“The total lunar eclipse will be visible in our country and will happen one in April and one in September, being the latter month, best appreciated from start to finish, “said Mario Zegarra.
Whether the Sun or Moon, eclipses only be viewed with special glasses. Mirrors or pieces of smoked glass, x-rays, cameras or videos should never be used; instruments and telescopes that are not ready for it.
Otherwise, eyes
could be affected seriously.
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