Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Aluminum design phone battery charging in a minute – El Universal

  A team of scientists from Stanford University (USA) has developed a aluminum battery high performance and durability able to charge a mobile phone in less than a minute.


 The development, published this week in the journal Nature , is in the experimental stage but researchers emphasize that this battery aluminum could end up being a commercial alternative to both the lithium-ion (the usual laptops and mobile phones) as alkaline batteries.


 Aluminum has been a material that has been experienced for decades to develop commercially viable batteries, but now a team led by Professor Hongjie Dai chemistry has designed a proposed high performance, fast charging and more economical than lithium-ion.


 The challenge was to find a material capable of producing sufficient voltage after repeated charge and discharge cycles.


 Developed battery has two electrodes: a cathode and an anode, which was made with loaded grafito- that were arranged with an ionic liquid electrolyte.


 The result is a battery capable of charge a mobile phone in a minute , which maintains its capacity during 7000 500 charge cycles (compared to the thousand standard battery Li-Ion) and is can bend, which has potential to be used in flexible devices.


 The experimental rechargeable battery generates about two volts of electricity, the largest to date for aluminum, but researchers working towards the voltage of a battery, which is doubled.


 “Improving the cathode material could increase the voltage and energy density,” says on the website of Stanford scientist Dai.


 The researchers emphasize its low cost, low flammability is turned -not nor when pierced, compared to lithium that can go ardiendo- and high capacity to contain high load.


 “We developed a rechargeable aluminum can replace the current ones, such as alkaline batteries, which are bad for the environment , and lithium-ion, which sometimes leave burning.”






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