Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Twitter allows exceed 140 characters when a tweet is acknowledged – RPP News

Tuesday, April 7, 2015 | 11:06 a.m.

Twitter announced that allow you to add up to 116 characters tweets that cite others. Thus the famous social network seeks to respond to complaints from users claiming more space in messages.

Even before this announcement, the number of characters of that tweet is deducted from the 140 limit, so usual that is not left enough space to add comments. Now, this new functionality will embed the message cited with a link and displayed similar to the images.

Thus, from now when we quote a tweet from any of our contacts We will display a new screen where you will see the message that we will share, and above it a textbox with a limit of 116 characters. Thus, the only difference between sharing or quote a tweet is whether or not we add own text.

Currently only available for Apple devices and the web version social network. However, the company said that soon may also be used in Android .

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