Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Discover hundreds of new galaxies – MDZol

The Planck and Herschel satellites have detected clusters located further from what had never explored.

Scientists at the Planck Collaboration, which includes researchers from University of Oviedo, have discovered hundreds of new galaxies, located far away and had never been seen before. The observations of the Planck and Herschel satellites of the European Space Agency (ESA) have revealed clusters of galaxies arrivals directly from the early universe, two to three billion years after the Big Bang, which show a high star formation in inside, which is not observed in any actual galaxy.

The study results, published this week in the journal Astronomy & amp; Astrophysics have been presented simultaneously at the Institute of Space Astrophysics in Paris at ESA headquarters in the Netherlands and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA in California. The Spanish participation is composed of teachers Luigi Toffolatti, Joaquín González-Nuevo Francisco Argüeso and the University of Oviedo, near Diego Herranz and Laura Bonavera the Institute of Physics of Cantabria. They have also involved researchers from Italy, UK and Canada.

As part of the Planck Collaboration, researchers at the University of Oviedo have made specific analysis and detection of compact objects (galaxies) on maps the whole sky provided by the Planck satellite, creating catalogs of these galaxies, classifying them according to their emission characteristics of radiation, or the study of the emission properties and evolution of galaxies observed.

The galaxies are now found in groups and may represent the initial stage of formation of galaxy clusters. This original lineup, which has long sought, is key to understanding how gravity could bring down the regions of highest density of matter-energy in the early universe.

“With a little fantasy, we could say that Planck has discovered the treasure chest to find these compact groups of galaxies in the distant universe and Herschel has looked inside to find the bright gold coins hidden there: the galaxies of high star formation ” Professor exemplifies Toffolatti. “I am particularly pleased with this discovery because it confirms our predictions made ten years ago. And second, because with this excellent result, we have another confirmation of the versatility and power of the two satellites, “notes Professor.

” We were immediately impressed by the strong glare and densities . in the sky of these galaxies Find many galaxies where stars form as intensely as small groups was a big surprise believe that this is the missing piece of the formation of cosmic structure. groups of distant galaxies with intense star formation, which are the precursors of larger clusters of galaxies today, “said Professor Hervé Dole, director of the study. “We’re just at the beginning of this project, the most impressive results are still to come over the next few months,” he says.

More brighter than usual

Some of the observed galaxies appear as too bright compared to the rest because its image is strongly amplified by gravitational lensing. These galaxies with strong star formation, could help solve a key problem in cosmology. How they began to form the first large-scale structures (clusters, filaments, clusters) of galaxies

study of this early era of high hundred or a thousand times higher star formation up to what is observed in the universe currently in the regions (halos) higher density of dark matter provide a wealth of information about the evolution of galaxies within these early groups.

These small clusters, are very important for cosmology, because they help us determine the content of baryons in the universe (ordinary matter and elementary particles we’re made us and the stars). Also would know the role of dark matter in the evolution of large-scale structure and provide detailed information on possible deviations from the simplest model of the early universe’s currently accepted. Due to its characteristics of observation, the Planck satellite can find many of these rare objects across the sky while Herschel can study them in more detail

. Source: http: // /


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