Friday, August 7, 2015

App detects if your smartphone has Android Stagefright failure | The Peru Trade – Trade

Chile, El Mercurio / GDA

It has been cataloged as the worst vulnerability of Android found so far and there are millions smartphone with the operating system Google affected, so called Stagefright failure on alert users that their phones could see affected.

While Google and corrected the problems, the way it works Android prevents the company can offer the solution directly to users. The operating system passes through the hands of manufacturers and operators who modify or install their own software on the basis of what developed by the company.

That’s why each update must pass through the hands of manufacturers before reaching the cell of each user. This has meant that many of the teams still have the vulnerability discovered for months.

For now, the security company Zimperium, that was the one that told Google about the problem in April, launched an application specifically designed to determine which devices have vulnerability and which are free. The application called Stagefright Detector App can be downloaded for free from Google Play.

This case has led to Google, along with manufacturers such as Samsung and LG, they announced that henceforth security updates regularly launched every month, to maintain equipment with Android a day.

According to the released by Zimperium, vulnerability is that a hacker could take control of an infected device simply sending a message MMS video through Hangouts, you do not even have to be opened. That is, it is a process of “transparent” to user’s eyes infection. The flaw would affect 95% of devices Android , according to company estimates.



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