Thursday, August 6, 2015

Scientists discover why form rings around planets – EntornoInteligente

Scientists discover why form rings around planets / Spanish / An international team of scientists has developed a study in which scientific mystery solved after the formation of planetary rings such as those around Saturn.

Professor Brilliantov, the University of Leicester, explained that the rings of Saturn, the best known and best studied contain ice particles of different sizes, and there is a high probability that they are remnants of a catastrophic event far. Solved the riddle of the formation of rings around planets “What is surprising is that the relative abundance of particles of different sizes continues, with high accuracy, a mathematical law ‘inverse cube’,” he explained. That is, the abundance of particles of 2 meters in size is 8 times smaller than the abundance of particles of a meter, while the abundance of particles of 3 meters is 27 times smaller, and so on.

And this is kept to the size of 10 meters, after which follows a sharp decline in the abundance of particles, which is explained by the inverse cube law, who had remained a mystery until now. Solved the riddle of the formation of rings around planets “We have finally solved the riddle of the distribution of particle size. In particular, our study shows that the observed distribution is not peculiar to the rings of Saturn, but has a universal character “, he said the scientist.

In most solar system planets have satellites that orbit. Some, like Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune also have a ring system. With the new discovery, the scientists suggest that it is possible that these ring systems also exist outside our solar system.


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