Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Space prove lettuce – El Diario de Yucatan



MEXICO (El Universal) .- The astronauts on the International Space Station began yesterday to taste your own lettuce, fresh and crunchy vegetable that planted and harvested in your garden.

This is possible thanks to Veg-01 or Veggie, microgravity system that works like a garden.

The project investigates how they could achieve food crops for future long missions.

The “farm” registered its first crop a year, but the astronauts tested the food, but collected a sample, the frozen and sent to Earth. At that time the biggest concern was that could contain harmful bacteria to humans.

After evaluation in terrestrial laboratories, microbiologists found that the spatial lettuce had very similar microbes to another set of lettuce harvested in the planet as a control group. It was found that the food was free of chemicals.

To the delight of the astronauts, it was also noted that contained no pathogens or other contaminants.

Gioia Massa, project leader NASA, told “New Scientist” that “vegetables are cleaner than any you would find in a supermarket.” To consume only must be cleaned with disinfectant wipes. “The last thing you would ever want in space is a food poisoning”

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