Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Huge sea scorpion ruled the seas in prehistory – The

The first large predatory monsters on Earth were strange creatures that were the size of a human being, according to fossil recently found.

almost 500 million years ago, before the existence of dinosaurs, large predators that dominated the Earth were a scorpion measuring 1.70 meters; had a dozen limbs with nails coming out of their heads and a tail that ended in a point, according to a new study.

The scientists found remains of these little-known monsters that existed in prehistoric times into the depths what today is precisely Iowa.

Scientists at Yale University found that was unknown at the time that existed some 460 million years ago species, when Iowa was under an ocean.

At the time, all the action happened in the sea and life was very low scale, said James Lamsdell, Yale, the lead author of the study released Monday in the journal BMC Evolutionary Biology.

“This is the real first big predator,” said Lamsdell. “I would not have liked to swim with him. There is one aspect about bugs. When they reach a certain size should not be allowed to grow more.”

Technically this creature is not a bug in accordance with the parameters of science said Lamsdell. “It belongs to the family of the eurypterids, which are basically marine scorpions.

That kind of creatures” are truly fabulous, “said Joe Hannibal, curator of invertebrate paleontology at the Museum of Natural History in Cleveland.

Unlike modern land scorpions stung the creature with the tail. Rather used this tip for balance and swim, although half the length of the animal was tail, Lamsdell said.

it existed at the same time largest marine scorpions, but were scavengers rather dominant predators, he said.

“It was obviously a very aggressive animal”, Lambsdell said. “It was a creature hungry large .


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