Wednesday, January 27, 2016

A formula shows that the main conspiracy theories are impossible – Gizmodo in Spanish

 A f & # XF3; formula shows why & # XE9, the main theory & # XED ; as the conspiracy & # XF3; n are impossible

there who would love to believe that we live surrounded by conspiracies we know the truth . The reality, however, is to keep a large-scale plot is so difficult that no conspiracy long hold. A researcher from Oxford has even created a formula that belies the favorite theories of the conspiracy theorists.

The formula developed by Dr. David Robert Grimes approaches the subject of conspiracies from the opposite point of view. Instead of assuming false start, it assumed to be true and it must be a necessary condition. The Secret ..

Unfortunately, to keep secret a fact is a very complicated thing that has to do directly with the number of people who know the truth in a conspiracy. Grimes says basically that the more people know the truth that is hidden, the less time until the entire cake is discovered. Grimes has calculated the chances that someone will go to the language, accidentally or intentionally, analyzing three real conspiracies real world were discovered, including the PRISM project NSA uncovered by Edward Snowden.

A f & # XF3; formula shows why & # XE9, the main theory & # XED; ace conspiracy & # XF3; n are impossible

Photo: AP

After analyzing all the variables (including that the conspirators might accidentally killed or silenced) Dr. Grimes has created a formula that calculates the best scenario for the conspirators (its plot last secret as long as possible) depending on their number. The result is quite conclusive. For a conspiracy last five years must participate for a maximum of 2,521 people. If we want a plot of 10 years, the number of participants should be reduced to less than a thousand. For a conspiracy to last one comes to less than 125 conspirators century.

There may be a frame as well, but certainly not on a large scale and in a globalized world like today. Looking at the popular conspiracies circulating on social networks, the numbers speak for themselves. To establish, maintain and cover a story like a false man on the moon it takes many people. Grimes estimates that about 411,000.

That climate change is a lie and actually there is no such change? 405,000 people at least. Launch a large-scale conspiracy to hide that vaccines are dangerous means 22,000 people boarding only if we consider the World Health Organization and laboratories for Disease Control in the United States. If we add to pharmaceutical deception as participants the figure rises to 736,000 conspirators.

Keep secret cure for cancer it requires the participation of 714.00 people between companies and scientific laboratories. It is assumed that all these thousands of evil conspirators spent decades keeping secret their plans. It is simply implausible.

The formula concludes that a hoax size feign man on the moon had been uncovered in a maximum period of three years and eight months. Climate change fraud, dangerous vaccines, the chemtrails … no large-scale conspiracy that, if true, has lasted more than three years. Grimes has conducted the study with the best of intentions. These are his words

Not all people who believe in a conspiracy are foolish or irrational. I hope that, showing what are some outrageously improbable conspiracy theories, some people reconsider their pseudoscientific beliefs.

Good luck in your endeavor. He will need, because many people are able to believe blindly in the most unlikely theories just to have an imaginary villain to blame for their ills. The mere chance and randomness of our existence is unbearable for most. [University of Oxford via Europa Press]


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