Saturday, January 30, 2016

Scientists say the Earth is made up of two planets. – Reuters

January 30, 2016, 13:47 Washington, Jan 30 (Prensa Latina) Scientists at the University of California claim that the Earth is composed of two planets that joined after a violent collision that formed the Moon, more than four thousand 500 million years ago, according to the journal Science.

 Initially it was believed that the Moon was created when a smaller planet called Theia grazed Earth and dissolved, leaving a small piece in the space that was captured by Earth’s gravity.

According to scholars, if that were If the satellite would have a different ground chemical composition, as it is mainly compose of the same material that Theia.

According to scientists this theory has not been proven in the course of testing oxygen isotopes of the Moon rocks.

A team of researchers led by Edward Young of the University of California, says that Theia crashed into the earth with such force that both planets melted and then broke off a small piece of that crash into the Moon

“We see no difference between the oxygen isotopes in the Earth and Moon, they are indistinguishable.” said Young told The Guardian

. Theia melted with both the Earth and the Moon, and even scattered among them, added the professor.

The collision occurred about 100 million years after the initial formation of the Earth, which means happened more than four thousand 500 million years ago

arc / ABM.


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