Thursday, January 28, 2016

The mathematical method that can clarify a conspiracy – The Review

The man reached the moon, climate change is a lie, the pharmaceutical known cure cancer … conspiracy theories that if true, says a scientist who had already discovered

It is difficult to maintain a shadowy conspiracy. Sooner or later, say the scientists, one of the conspirators speak.

A study examined how much can last hidden plots before-and discover that someone is intentionally or unconsciously and out into the open.

Dr. David Grimes of the University of Oxford, devised a mathematical equation to express this and applied it to four famous conspiracies. <. /> p>

Their work appears in the journal PLoS ONE

The formula of this physical is based on three factors: the number of conspirators, time that has passed since the conspiracy and the intrinsic probability that a plot fails

He applied his equation to four famous conspiracy theories. the man never reached the Moon, climate change is a fraud, vaccines cause autism and drug companies have suppressed a cure for cancer.

Grimes analysis suggests that if these four theories were true, most Chances are you have already seen

For example, the moon landing was a “hoax” would have known at 3.7 years.; that climate change is a lie, he should have been uncovered between 3.7 years and 26.8 years since it began to speculate about it.

Taking into account the number of conspirators and the time that has elapsed, if true the theory that man never reached the moon, and had . known

The conspiracy of the vaccine would be resolved in 3.2 years to 34.8 years; and pharmaceutical alleged plot by 3.2 years.

“The mathematical methods used in this study were broadly similar to mathematics I used before for my academic research on radiation physics” . Grimes explained

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Building the equation

To this equation Grimes began with the Poisson distribution, a common statistical tool that measures the probability of a particular event occurring in a given time.

Using a bunch of assumptions, combined with mathematical deduction, Grimes He produced a general formula, though incomplete.

The expert lacked a good estimate for the intrinsic probability of a failed conspiracy.

To determine this, analyzed three genuine data plots.

First was the monitoring program conducted by the National Security Agency in the United States (NSA), known as PRISM .

Grim study real cases of conspiracy, as the PRISM program, to find her formula.

This program involved at least 36,000 people and was brought to light by Edward Snowden about six years later.

The second was the Tuskegee experiment, in which the cure for syphilis ( penicillin) was deliberately concealed from black patients.

Up to 6,700 people had to be involved in this experiment and Dr. Peter Buxtun raised the alarm about 25 years later.

third was the scandal of FBI , revealed by Dr. Frederic Whitehurst, and in which it emerged that forensics agency were misleading and unscientific, resulting in the imprisonment and execution innocent people.

Grimes estimated that, at most, about 500 people had to have been involved and it took six years for the scandal exploded.

Equation Expert represents “the best scenario” for the conspirators, ie, a add to optimism that the conspirators are good at keeping a secret and external investigations do not take place.

Putting points

Joining the numbers of the three known conspiracies, Grimes estimated the intrinsic probability that a conspiracy is wrong is four in a million.

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According to the formula Grim, eventually everything is known.

Although this number is low, the probability of its discovery is quite large to the extent that over time and increase the number of conspirators.

The theory that man never reached the moon, for example, began in 1965 and, if true, would have involved 411,000 employees of NASA.

With these parameters, the equation of Grimes suggests that deception had to have come to light to 3.7 years.

But this conspiracy theory has more than 50 years, Grimes equation predicts that-be certainly had to have counted only 251 conspirators.

Perhaps, then, it is more logical to think that the moon landing was real.

Professor Monty McGovern, a mathematician at the University of Washington, said the study’s methods seem “reasonable and odds calculated quite plausible. “

Grimes knows it is” difficult to impossible to persuade those with a conviction “.

But” I hope this work will be useful for those who are most in the middle and wonder if scientists can perpetuate a fraud or not. “


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