The different faces that people use daily in their conversations through chat or social networks may have hundreds of interpretations, according to a study published by the University of Minnesota, has also shown what are the most problematic
“Our work showed that even when two people look the same emoji (for example, a face smiling ), often do not interpret it in the same way “
(See here. a emoji was declared word of the year)
the study authors indicated that this thanks is presented to emoji the same can appear very different on different platforms of smartphones.
for example, this grin smiling appears ten different ways depending on the platform and the device, and for respondents means from “extremely happy” to “ready to fight”.
Taking 22 popular emoji humanely and in five different devices Apple, Google , Microsoft, Samsung, LG, the study examined whether this can cause communication problems.
The participants had to describe in words meant for them each emoji, in addition to assessing their emotional meaning in a (very negative) scale of -5 to 5 (very positive ).
“a finding that really surprised us is that much of the possibility of miscommunication can come from different interpretations of the same emoji provision”.
Another symbol more confusing is hands raised to celebrate, some of the participants described it as a slap while others like praise or simply hand.
leave doubts, the meaning of each emoji can be found on the website All conclusions of the study will be presented in May at the International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM 2016), which will be held in Germany.
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