Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Should children use social networks? –

As parents, we must be vigilant and informed in order to guide our children about the effects of social networks. To this end, psychologist and therapist saltillense Roberto Castillo, explains everything parents and children need to know to navigate safely through the network.

What are the risks to children on the Internet and social networks –

“the main danger that our children and adolescents are exposed is privacy, and that our children are more likely to post personal information and photographs without thinking of the consequences that their publication may bring. Can be easy prey for a pedophile, or simply having access to sites banned as pornography.

To do so parents can take precautions and restrict what their children they check on the internet, it is very easy access to this page and are very vulnerable to prey troublemakers “

-¿A entranlos what age children in social networks -.?

“Some networks have an age limit to allow its use, but there are cases where children create accounts with false information in order to access them. In some places there is a specific regulation so that they can access these platforms, unless they do with parental consent.

Currently, there are children from 5 or 6 years are already sailing and have . access to one of the trendy social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Snapchat, to name a few “

how emotionally affects their participation in networks –

“There have been cases of cyber bullying, which is to insult the most vulnerable small generating in them insecurity, depression and sometimes even suicide. It affects them too if they are easy prey for ridicule and rejection “

How it affects them in their personal development -.?

” Networks social greatly influence both learning of children and adolescents. Affect the development of writing, also may create a problem in communication skills, as they Abbreviations used every time they are taken seriously and taken to the language of everyday life outside the online world. “

how to protect them and help them make good use of the Internet –

“parents should advise, inform, monitor which pages browsing and Internet who speaks for the child . Should check schedules and restrict use areas, warning them to never give out personal data, and make them aware to know the people with whom we chat entails a risk “.

What are the basic tips that children should follow on social networks –

“I always ask help from an adult or professional when you feel that you are asking them something that is not right for them, or they are forced to do something they do not want to put keys restricted access. Especially homeschooling is fundamental, there are all the values ​​and principles that our children should always have. “

* Data

83% of minors will lie for to open a Facebook account.

14 years is the limit par.a open an account in most social networks

5 million Facebook users is less than 10 years.


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