Monday, May 9, 2016

Live: Mercury crosses in front of the Sun – La Nacion (Argentina)

From Argentina you can see the solar event of the year from after 8 seven hours

The solar event the year will be the transition to star the smallest of the planets in our solar system: Mercury. For several hours, Mercury today passes in front of the sun, covering all your hard end to end.

This is one of the most curious and interesting astronomical phenomena that can be observed from Earth and will occur today when Mercury transits in front of the solar disk partially blocking its light and its entire trajectory can be seen from across the country.

to observe Mercury, the fastest of the Roman gods (hence the name as it orbits the Sun in only 87 days because of its proximity to 60 million kilometers), you can visit this page that collects Intenet what they see live several planetariums around the world.

also NASA devotes a special issue of the mini eclipse images in real time (only 15 minutes late, in astro times is almost a “live “) using its powerful space telescope SDO in and more information on

Solar show of the year

“the event began at 8.12 am and end at 15.42. This phenomenon, which occurs 13 to 14 times per century is not happening for ten years, and Argentina will have during more than seven hours lasting, privileged to observe place, something like a prime audience, “he told tHE NATION, the lawyer Mariano Ribas, by the area of ​​Astronomy Planetarium Buenos Aires, Galileo Galilei.

the rare frequency of this event is that the Mercury’s orbit is inclined to the orbit of the Earth and, therefore, not only enough that the planet is between Earth and the Sun, but also must be crossing the orbital plane of the Earth.

the astronomical phenomenon is considered special by connoisseurs. Photo: File

from the astronomical Obsevatorio of Cordoba, astronomers point out that “the 8 planets of the solar system, only Mercury and Venus can pass between Earth and the Sun, partially overshadowing”. And they point out that previous transit of Mercury occurred in 1986, 1993, 1996, 2003, 2006 and the next will be in 2019, 2032, 2039, 2049.

That and the size it is the smallest planet the solar system and the star, is called in astronomical jargon one microeclipse. In the case of Venus transits occur 2 times per century. This makes it ever happens any of these astronomical events we want to observe as if only happened once.

How to observe the phenomenon?

“When the small planet parade ahead of sun aid of a telescope will be necessary as it is not visible to the naked eye, “stand out from the Planetarium. “We will have six telescope with corresponding filters and special order to appreciate the full extent techniques,” said Ribas, who stressed how dangerous it is for the eyes if you do not look with the care they needed because “the sun will burning eyes. “

Planetarium Buenos Aires have six telescopes for the public to observe the phenomenon. Photo: File / Planetarium Galileo Galilei

So they emphasize the importance of not looking at the Sun directly under any circumstances (or naked eye or with sunglasses, or non-specific telescopes <. / p>

Several observatories invite you to see the crossing of the small planet by the solar disk. Photo: File

to see this phenomenon is necessary to have a sunscreen and a suitable optical instrument that allows amplify the silhouette of Mercury. One of the best ways to enjoy this event is to project the solar disk on a screen to avoid risks and can be observed by several people at a time, as will happen in the Planetarium.

What will be?

the transit of Mercury by the sun. Photo: File / Planetarium Galileo Galilei

In short, you will see a black “dot” passing (very slowly) in front of the solar disk

. precise numbers: the apparent diameter of the Sun (not actual size) is 0.5 °. O 1800 arcsec. The apparent diameter of Mercury in transit will be 10 “

ie. During the phenomenon, Mercury will be 180 times smaller than the Sun

Where can observe.

the Planetarium of the City of Buenos Aires, Galileo Galilei organize a special, free public event, to observe throughout its development. the observations of the transit of Mercury will be in charge of personnel Planetarium, which it will show the public through telescopes, filters and other special techniques. the date is Monday, May 9, from 8:30 am until after 15 hours.

in Cordoba, the Astronomical Observatory Córdoba opens its doors to the public who wants to approach. it will also be on Monday from 10 am to 13 hours. the observatory will have three solar telescopes so that those who do not have the opportunity to do so in their homes, approach scientific institution and to observe. Stargazers accompany the event providing expertise to visitors.

Other observational data were provided by the user Nikola_Sagan.


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