According to a study in the journal Science, these animals are also based on how we say things, to try to understand each other better.
LONDON, England.- dogs have the ability to distinguish the words we use when we go to them and intonation we use, according to a new study published in the journal Science.
Researchers at the Loránd University of Budapest, Hungary, came to this conclusion after they underwent a total of 13 dogs of different races scans brain while the canines were receiving orders from their coaches, reports Notimex.
the aim of the research, published in the journal Science, was to determine which parts of the brain used and what understand human language.
according to the study, the dogs used regions of the brain similar to those used by humans, so the researchers concluded that the ability to learn vocabulary is not exclusively human.
the results reveal that dogs recognize each word as something different, regardless of intonation, and they did using the left hemisphere of the brain, like humans.
“This study is the first step in understanding how dogs interpret human speech and can help understand the communication between dogs and humans and thus make it more efficient, “said Attila Andics, principal investigator of the study and professor at the University of Lorand University in Budapest.
words are the main element of language and communication. Intonation is another way in which information is transmitted.
“Human beings understand speech through vocabulary and intonation,” Andics said.
However, observing the brain’s reward area found that the response of the animals was greater when the accolades were accompanied by a positive tone.
According to Andics, this means that dogs “not only separate what we say about how we say it, but also can combine the two to correctly interpret what those words mean.”
a previous study showed that dogs can also distinguish between happy and angry human faces, according to a new study by Austrian scientists in the journal Current Biology.
in 2012, Hungarian researchers cautioned that dogs and children share similar cognitive abilities to read human expressions.
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