The striking appearance of the rock on Mars, which stands out for its stability and lack of incidents, provoked much speculation. An American scientist, Rhawn Joseph, he even sue NASA for failing to investigate the existence of “possible extraterrestrial life” on Mars
This image from the panoramic camera (Pancam) on Opportunity Mars Exploration Rover NASA shows the location of a rock called “Pinnacle Island” before it appeared in front of the rover to early January 2014. This image was taken during the 3567 th Martian day, or sol, of Opportunity’s work on Mars (February 4, 2014) (Photo: NASA)
NASA astronomers counted with two versions. The first, which was the more likely, was that the Opportunity hit the rock while it was moving, and it stalled in one of its mechanisms. The second version, less likely, said the rock could land near the Opportunity after a meteoric event.
Now NASA finally announced the results of its investigation and said that his original version was correct. Experts made the Martian robot move, and took a photo of their tracks spanning a larger rock, the same appearance as the first.
assert that found in the rock after the photo was moved by one of the wheels of Opportunity itself. However, it is still extraordinary chemical composition of the rock, unusual for the red planet.
The surprising emergence of rock on Mars, which stands out for its stability and lack of incidents, provoked much speculation. An American scientist, Rhawn Joseph, he even sue NASA for failing to investigate the existence of “possible extraterrestrial life” on Mars.
Source: RT
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