Saturday, February 8, 2014

Seven things you do not know how to use your Facebook data - Expansió

Many users

overturn the social network information without thinking what might happen to her. Facebook explains it, but many do not bother to read.

This week Facebook has completed 10 years in this decade of life has changed so many times their privacy policy (the last review was in 2009) that most users do not know what to do with your data.

These are the seven points they collect how network Mark Zuckerberg uses the information you give him.

always will keep your data, although you delete your profile

Can you leave the social network, but the only way they disappear is to delete all your data one by one each of the videos, pictures or comments you’ve shared on your profile since you started using Facebook.

privacy policy warns that: “Even after deletion of information or having your profile deleted your account, you may copy any of this information is visible elsewhere ‘


course, your username will no longer be associated with that information but would continue to appear, but the author would be an “Anonymous Facebook User.” There are also specific types of communications that can never be removed as messages.

Facebook may also retain certain information to prevent identity theft or misconduct although the accounts are deleted. In fact performs “backups” in which stores the information of deleted accounts for up to 90 days.

follow your movements across the Red

log in from a computer, ‘tablet’ or phone with Internet access, Facebook can access information from that device (type of navigation, location and IP address) and the pages that you visit transfers. That is, the social network not only knows where you’ve connected, but also you ‘follow’ across the Internet

Have not you ever wondered why after looking for a colony on the Internet magically appears on Facebook an announcement of the same product? The answer is cookies.


web uses those cookies to know when you are visiting websites or applications which include your widget or share button. Sometimes though not authorize you to these pages to provide information to your social network, you may still receive “a limited amount of information” about what you’re doing there.

If you allow “all” see you on Facebook, you run some risks

When you set your privacy to “everyone” can access your information as if you opened the doors of your home to all who wish to enter. Friends, acquaintances, strangers, people not registered in Facebook and search engines will see your details.

This means that your information “may be associated with you outside of Facebook (?) and can be imported and exported by us or by others without privacy limitations.”

Also, if you delete those shared with “everyone” will disappear from your profile, but Facebook is not able to control if used by third parties, so you can still appear in any search engine if your profile is inactive content.

can convert your preference in an advertisement for your friends

‘you like a’ automatically authorize a Facebook page to show your name and photo next to an advertisement for that fan page for you to see your friends. It is what is called ‘Sponsored Stories’ ads become ‘personal recommendations’ you do to your contacts.

may not bother you if your dream has always been to be the star of a major advertising campaign, but if you want to avoid contact with the social network to not use your data in these ads.

There can never hide data and others do not know that Facebook has

Your name, profile picture, friends, pages to which you have given “i like” Sex and the networks to which they belong are public, anyone can see that information whether or not registered with the network and not You can help. The only thing you can control is that information does not appear in the search engines through your privacy settings.

There is also data

you give and know not that you are providing. This is the case of the metadata of the photos or videos you upload to the Web Here are reports that ‘stick’ to multimedia content and, depending on the device you have taken may include the location, time, day, camera type, file format, etc.. Facebook saves your default metadata and if you do not want the store have to be careful and remove them before loading the content

may not know it, but you are giving your consent

When you apply through Facebook free samples of a product you are giving your consent to having your personal data reach the companies that advertise on the social network. This is just one of the ways you have of ‘consent’ that you reach your details to third parties. In any case, just your information is shared when Facebook believes that such action is permitted by you.

Another way to make your data reaches companies is to click in ads that appear on your Facebook page. “There is a possibility that the advertiser may place a cookie in your browser and note that it meets the criteria you selected.”

Although are or have been in Facebook, Zuckerberg may know about you

Even if you have never logged into Facebook, they may have information about you, however minimal. If a user provides your email address to invite you to join the world’s largest social network, your email will be recorded in the database of the company. Yes, you can get it removed from the help page of the website.

controls what you post on the Internet, you do not know where to go or who can not stop using your information. The social network itself warned of these risks saying that let you “set privacy options, but no security measures are perfect or impenetrable.”

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