Facebook has announced Two new updates to improve the quality of the news service News Feed . The social network has been proposed to remove the ‘clickbait’ (click bait) of service and improve the format in which the user sees the shared content in the status updates.
social network aims to eliminate the so-called ‘clickbait’, ie those publications with links curious but uninformative headlines receiving a significant amount of clicks by users, as reported by the social network on their official website.
While this fact may improve the network traffic, Facebook recognizes that it is not a good way to gain followers and further impoverishes the quality of its news.
80 percent of users prefer headlines that indicate that will read before making Click on the news, according to results of the survey Facebook. To detect the contents of a news is coupon is necessary to investigate the time it takes users to read the article , for if they return to Facebook immediately is because the content is not what they expected. For this reason, the company will follow of how users spend their time outside of page, a move that will release if the is interesting or not , as Facebook explained.
This update is a maneuver over Facebook to improve quality of news of RSS content. The quality of the information published is of concern to the social network for some time, but has not until now that have taken appropriate decisions
eradicate bait headlines clicks , according to research scientist says Facebook, Khalid El-Arini, “can drown the content of friends and pages that really matter to users.”
The second update, related to the first, give priority to link of the content that users share format, ie the format displays a brief description so you can find the user clicking on the link instead of updating an image based on the embedded link.
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