Thursday, August 21, 2014

Sapiens and Neanderthals coexisted in Europe for 5,000 years – The World

Current humans ( Homo sapiens ) and Neanderthals may have coexisted in Europe for more 5000 years . The two species could have known and related, according to new research from the University of Oxford led by archaeologist Thomas Higham and published in the scientific journal Nature .

Experts have examined about 200 samples obtained from 40 sites , from Spain to Russia. Through the new carbon dating techniques and different mathematical models, the findings indicate that the Neanderthal species and its culture disappeared between 41,000 and 39,000 years. Before this, the species could have lived with the first humans arrived in Europe 45,000 to 43,000 years makes a .

The importance of materials

“The work of Tom Higham and his team with the development of the methodology of ultrafiltration is a important step to improve the quality and reliability of the dating on organic materials from contexts over 40,000 years, “declares ADVENTURE STORY Hipólito Collado , director of the excavations of the site of Fuentes de León (Badajoz).

Although research to date Neanderthal genes have been found in the DNA of the present species, the team believes Higham interbreeding could occur between the two groups, although this has not been proven. “What do not see is that there is a spatial overlap. It is somewhat disconcerting. There is no evidence that Neanderthals of late stage were influenced culturally by modern humans, although the samples were taken in some Neanderthals sites include artifacts that resemble those introduced in Europe those human beings from Africa, “said Thomas Higham to the Asocciated Press of Berlin agency.

Despite this new twist in the story of human evolution, Collado disagree on the methodology employed in research. “There are critical positions at the same based on the methodology used to eliminate contamination of bone samples is not very reliable, especially when they come from burned contexts as this causes the disappearance of collagen.”

New point in the history of Evolution

Some notes that have flipped to the story of the origin of modern human. “Higham sheds new light on the early presence of modern humans in Europe and tries to adjust the final sequence of the presence of the last Neanderthals in this context. Obviously Following analysis is recognized that both species must coexist even as they argue for a shorter period of time, around 5000 years, that hitherto had been shuffling, with survival of groups of Neanderthals until 28,000 in the Caves of Gibraltar “remarks Collado.

For the professional, the study is a new contribution to the history of evolution although” admit that in contact with anatomically modern humans is the origin of the affiliation certain techno-transition as the Chatelperroniens eo the consequences on the symbolic capabilities of Neanderthals I think e xcede the possibilities of this research “. Therefore sees the need “ continue research that integrate diverse points of view to clarify such controversies, which in any case are an important source of knowledge.”


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