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On Thursday, Google revealed through a video the ‘project Wing’ (poryecto wing) initiative that plans to make the delivery of small packages via drones with the ability to handle themselves. In this way, the Mountain View company seeks to create a system to deliver faster and safer.
The ‘Wing’ project is being developed two years ago by Google X, a division of company specializing in technology development and was revealed on Thursday after overcoming a testing phase that covered the entire last month. These were conducted in Queensland, Australia, where the drones were able to deliver packages such as first aid kits, candy and water among other things.
To achieve this, the company designed a series of aircraft powered by four thrusters capable of carrying 10 kg. weight, 8.6 of which belong to the drone. This also has 1.5 meters wide.
‘Wing’ makes deliveries without landing, this in order to prevent the recipient ersulte injured by the propellers and to prevent the drone damaged by people with bad intentions. For this aircraft package dropped from a considerable height when it reaches the point of delivery, to prevent this impact with the ground and used a rope damage gradually reduces the rate of fall from 10 meters per second at 2 meters per second .
Despite all these advances, the project is still far from start operating publicly. Although drones are already able to reach their destinations, it is still necessary to develop a navigation system capable of detecting obstacles like power lines, birds and even other drones.
to make commercial deliveries, ‘Project Wing ‘aims to support disasters and similar situations providing defibrillators, water and emergency kits, however the delivery of products to shops is not ruled out. This project adds to other Google as the Automobile able to handle alone, also under development.
Recall that Google is not the first company to announce that you want to deliver through drones. Earlier this year the company Internet shopping amazon announced it is working on a service called Amazon Prime Air, which also seeks to deliver orders to customers, the difference is that it focuses only on sales.
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