Friday, August 29, 2014

France gives for lost the last two Galileo satellites – The Digital Voice (Cádiz)

A bug in its orbit could have spoiled the two satellites of the European Galileo navigation system-the alternative to GPS estadounidense-, launched into space on 22 While the National Center for Education Spatial (CNES) of France says will not serve for navigation, the European Space Agency (ESA), the ultimate responsibility of the project, showed caution while studying or recovering as reposicioonar mills.

Power ESA explained that the satellites ‘Galileo 5′ and ‘Galileo 6′ “are under control”, despite having been placed during the launch “in a lower orbit and elliptical, rather than circular orbit planned “. After deploying its solar panels are generating electricity. Ground equipment installed at the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) of ESA in Darmstadt (Germany) in cooperation with the manufacturer of the OHB satellites, confirmed that both satellites “are in good condition, correctly pointing to the sun, with power and control. ”

However, due to the failure, teams of ESA investigate how to “exploit the most satellites, despite no nominal injection and within their limited capacities of propulsion.” This “different scenarios before making decisions on a recovery mission will be studied.”

There are currently four satellites of the Galileo constellation in orbit. With the launch of satellites 5 and 6, along with new monitoring stations on land, intended to provide early Galileo services later this year, which could now be delayed.


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