Thursday, October 2, 2014

74.4% of Spanish households have internet access in 2014 – Five Days

The mobile Internet connections via devices such as smartphones have placed first in 2014 as the main access of households to the Network, ADSL beating, according to data released Thursday by the National Institute of Statistics (INE).

INE figures show that 67.2% of households are usually connected to the Internet through mobile networks, a number that surpasses first recorded by the ADSL (66.2%). Meanwhile, 20.9% of households already using a network cable or optical fiber, while 7% use a USB modem or card to connect to a mobile network.

The rest modalities of internet access, satellite or as ‘wifi’ public use 6.5% of households. In this line, the Internet access devices are most used mobile (excluding laptops) with 81.7%, followed by laptops with 72.2% and desktops with 53.5% .

In total, 11.9 million households in Spain, 74.4% have access to Internet, a figure that represents an increase of 4.7 points compared to 2013 Of these, the Almost all, 11.7 million broadband use, while the narrow “has a very limited presence.” Meanwhile, households that do not have Internet access identified as the main reasons they do not need (60.6%), with little knowledge to use (38.6%) or economic reasons, either the equipment costs are too high (31%) or that they are connecting (28.8%).

As for the equipment of households, 74.8% of households with at least an individual aged 16 to 74 have a computer, which is 1.5 points higher than in 2013, however, the largest increase is in the e-book readers (e-reader), which are the only devices that show a ‘clearly expansive “, an improvement of 5.6 points and still available in 20% of households. behavior Meanwhile, 99.1% of households have a telephone (fixed or mobile), while 75.4% have both types of terminals.

In addition, 2.7% of households have landline only, while 20.9% are exclusively mobile. INE data also show that the use of information technology among children (10 to 15 years) is “very high” to the point that 93.8% of these children used computer and 92 % Internet. Also picked up again in 2014 using mobile in children between 10 and 15 years, breaking the negative trend since 2009, an increase of half a point to 63.5%.

percentage varies with age: 23.9% in children aged 10 years, 40.4% in the 11, 64.3% in the 12, 78.7% in the 13, 85.6% in 14 and 90.3% in those 15 Moreover, the percentage of people who have shopped online in the last three months experienced a rise of 4.6 points in the last year and stands at 27 5% of the population (9.5 million people). As for cloud services (‘cloud’), 30.9% of Internet users use online storage space to store files for private purposes and 26% for sharing. Overall, nearly one in three Internet service uses ‘cloud’ to store or share files on the Internet.

Finally, on the use of electronic ID, 47.9% of the population aged 16 to 74 years states have this system, but only 6.8% have other electronic certificate and 8.5% have electronic card reader microchip

Stadium and connected virtual boutique

Within its technological developments, Orange has created a virtual reality application that recreates a boutique. A tool with which the operator seeks to promote new ways of e-commerce from the user’s own home but with the ability to access stores through this formula.

Orange has indicated that the first virtual boutiques were commercially launched in September 2015 in Warsaw, Bucharest, Paris and Madrid.

The operator, as indicated by Stephane Richard, has also designed the stage connected in this case with Olympique Lyon. So, Orange will implement in the great Stadium Lyon a wifi macrored more than 500 access points will allow about 25,000 simultaneous connections from users. This way, fans can connect to Twitter and Facebook during games, participate in betting or access your email accounts, among others.


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