Monday, December 1, 2014

A year in question – La Vanguardia

The Finnish schools concerning education in Europe, stop investing so much time in handwriting. That letter followed so typical school no longer teach. Instead of traditional calligraphy students learn how to write computer (keyboard tablet or laptop) and hand with letter post, separately. This itself will be mandatory. What to write with calligraphic letter will become only one option, and teachers will not have why I teach.

The step taken by Finland has ignited the debate about writing, which already brings tail in many schools across the continent, also in Spain. At a time when adults write basically by keyboards, does it make sense to invest hours and hours for a child to gather beautiful form letters with a pencil?

This is the question that those responsible for the Finnish National Institute of Education under the Ministry of Education- raised. Finland modifies its school curriculum every ten years. All have dedicated 2014 to reflect on the new skills that students must learn, working groups throughout the country and a very active public debate. One of the most controversial findings has been to leave behind calligraphy and instead give more prominence to the keyboard. The computer moves the handwriting.

The National Institute of Education has decided that calligraphy no longer be part of the school curriculum in Finland from the year 2016 to 2017. “Students continue to write other hand compulsory, but learn to do it with simplified letter, separate, like printing” confirms Minna Harmanen, head of the Institute, through phone conversation. “In addition, schools teach keyboarding from the first grade,” continues Harmanen. Finnish students begin school at age seven, not three as in Spain.

The country’s education officials believe that students spend a lot of time learning the letter followed. A calligraphy that abandons over time and also do not see anywhere other than school. Virtually everything you read is written in bold letters (or stick). Because of this newspaper, for example, as any book, any advertisement or any e-mail. So all this time, they say, they can invest in other things. A reading comprehension or writing, learn to express ideas in written text. The way -with lyrics stick, calligraphic or computer- be built would be something secondary reviewers. “Today we teach the two types of writing, and really leave calligraphy has been a shock for part of society,” says Pekka Tukonen, director of the school of Järvenpää sur-at of Finland, also in a telephone interview .

“I do not have an opinion on how it will affect learning Still, if it’s positive or not, remains to be seen, in my municipality think that schools continue to teach calligraphy” says Tukonen, which was teacher at a high school in Sant Cugat del Vallès during the years 90s Anyway, Finland follows the line of some international organizations. The Pisa testing, macro OECD assessment that measures student knowledge of 15 years, shall be in digital format from now. Students will have to answer questions with a computer, they will not write by hand. In the last edition, Finland returned to crown the list of European countries as part of the exercises included in digital format.

“Finland has introduced a totally disruptive change”, believes Miquel Angel Prats, Coordinator of Early Childhood Education degree at the Faculty of Blanquerna-URL and specialist in technology and education. “It is normal that some of their teachers put reticence” he adds. But Prats also understands the approach of the Finnish Ministry of Education: “The letter followed, calligraphy, costs much because it demands a more perfect hand domain; children find it easier to write letter post, and this is the reason why Finland has decided to leave calligraphy, facilitates things and will invest the time in other matters. ”

In schools where Prats has helped introduce new technologies combine elements of handwriting, with calligraphy included, and the use of tablets or laptops. And do not think that schools here are to jump like Finnish, at least not yet. The Education Department, meanwhile, also believes that both options, calligraphy and new technologies can be combined.

But the reality is that more and more schools Catalunya leave teaching calligraphic writing. “It’s an open discussion in many centers, and most are opting for writing printing,” says Maria Antonia Miret, literacy specialist and consultant Blanquerna schools. “The teachers put many hours in teaching calligraphy, students spend much time practicing: first learn to write with letter post, then do exercises to improve movement of the hand and fingers, such as borders, and finally learn the letter followed a typeface that only see within the walls of the school, “he explains. And students get bored in this process. Miret itself argues that the handwriting, either stick or calligraphic letter, improves laterality, helps fix knowledge to structure the space and thought. “The important thing is that you write, not so much how.”


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